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A collection of

99 NFTs

From my exhibition in 1999

The story behind

I became a professional photographer in 1996 after practicing photography as my hobby for many years. In 1997 I started a first photo studio together with two other photographers. At that time I developed most of my medium format films myself in the darkroom.

In 1999 I had the idea for the photo series "BERLIN - NEW YORK". The idea was to take one half of the photograph in Berlin and the other half in New York. Together with the Berlin based photo model Anett I took first pictures in Berlin and then the second part in New York. The result fascinated me.

When later the famous department store "Quartier 206" was looking for an art contribution for the Long Night of Museums, we (me and two other photographers) immediately agreed and we flew to New York again with the model Anett. But this time my pictures should be black and white nude edition.

It took me a week in New York and another two weeks in Berlin to create just five double motifs. Today you would need only a few hours for it with Photoshop. But the effort was worth it, because from my point of view iconic images were created. And the exhibition was opened by the Governing Mayor of Berlin and was a great success.

I sold some large-format editions to private collectors and then the pictures disappeared into the drawers of my archive. Now, after the photographs have lain dormant for 23 years, I have brought them out again and would like to present them to a larger audience. I am very grateful that NFT technology now makes this possible, because it would be a pity if the pictures continued to lie in a drawer.

I worked as a professional photographer for 20 years, as a press, commercial and fashion photographer. But I was always most interested in photographing strong women in unapproachable or dominant poses. Women who wear high heels and do not want to hide their femininity. Women who feel pleasure in having power and exercising power over men!



Markus searching for pictures in 2022 to use them as NFTs. Fun fact: this was the only way to select pictures 23 years ago.

Making Of in New York 1999:


Anett waiting for the next shot.


Me waiting for Anett.


Preparing the next set of pictures.


Anett playing around with my camera Mamiya 645.


Anett checking her poses on the Polaroids.


Ready for the next shot.


…and action!


Chillin and jocking around between the photo sets.

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